KIOGui ?

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Wed Jan 13 00:00:33 UTC 2016

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 12:33 AM, David Faure <faure at> wrote:
> I'm about to write a class to handle favicons in a KIO library, rather than using DBus
> communication to a (currently kded, could be kiod otherwise) module.
> I think there just isn't any point in using a central DBus module to handle a shared cache
> when a lock file can do the job.
> The question is: this would only depend on KIOCore and QImage. Shall I put it in KIOWidgets
> or shall I create a new KIOGui library, for QML apps to avoid the QWidget dependency ?

IMHO, being able to stay away from QtWidget is a good things, even
though we haven't really managed on many projects so far because
QStyle. I would like to see KIOGui happening, although I'm afraid it's
not really possible to move most stuff from KF5 right now (or maybe
there's a possibility).

I'd like to see it happening, it would be interesting to see if there
were more things in there.


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