Review Request 126949: Remove Air and Oxygen themes

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Feb 2 09:20:33 UTC 2016

> On Feb. 1, 2016, 8:12 p.m., andreas kainz wrote:
> > Hi, I know I say I will keep oxygen-icons5 up to date, and I hope I get the time I need the plasma oxygen theme too to give the user the one single click feature (look & feel package). Is there an space where you can move "unmaintained" stuff and the distros can choose what they want to ship. now all distros ship oxygen.
> > 
> > I love breeze but oxygen is also really sexy in addition a lot of uers work with kde4 (which is unmainted too) and update to kf5 with Kubuntu 16.04 LTS. It would be bad to support oxygen for an additional LTS cycle, but for the switch it would be nice to give the user the posibility for an soft switch.
> andreas kainz wrote:
>     in addition a lot of dev's make screenshots with oxygen so there is an user group for oxygen.
> Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
>     There'a an oxygen repository where the widget style and everything resides, I'd say the Plasma theme would fit in there as well.
> andreas kainz wrote:
>     ok. that would fit for me. since now we have not that much look and feel packages most distros use it for there look and feel stuff and than breeze and breeze-dark for people how don't like monochrome (there are a lot) is oxygen. it would be nice to have more packages there available so move the oxygen stuff in an spacific area is fine for me but don't move them to kde-look cause than oxygen is more broken than now and no one can fix it any more.
>     thanks Kai
> Martin Klapetek wrote:
>     > in addition a lot of dev's make screenshots with oxygen so there is an user group for oxygen.
>     Really? Got any examples?
>     > There'a an oxygen repository where the widget style and everything resides, I'd say the Plasma theme would fit in there as well.
>     Ok, I'll put it there then.
> David Edmundson wrote:
>     Andreas, note the oxygen widget style and plasma theme are different things. 
>     The Oxygen plasma style is this theme:
>     the widget style isn't being touched.
> andreas kainz wrote:
>     can we add ALL oxygen stuff in one "unmaintained" area?
> Hugo Pereira Da Costa wrote:
>     Wait wait, neither oxygen widget style nor window decoration are unmaintained. (nor broken as far as I know)
>     They are in "maintenance" mode on the contrary. Meaning: they are "done", there won't be any new feature, but bugs get fixed when reported. 
>     Please 
>     - dont move them anywhere else,
>     - dont move broken, nor truely unmaintained things in there.
>     This is not a trash can :)
>     Thx,
>     Hugo
> Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
>     Yes, Hugo is doing a fine job of maintaining Oxygen stuff and cherry-picking fixes from Breeze. :) It's really just the Plasma theme that is utterly broken and unmaintained.
> andreas kainz wrote:
>     I'v never done a plasma theme but I saw how the breeze theme get broken and how it was fixed again. As Hugo maintaine oxygen stuff and I maintain oxygen icon stuff, it would be good to have the plasma theme also available. I can offer to maintain the oxygen plasma theme (one of them).

oxygen icon or oxygen style repository? for me both would be good.

note that if you chose the oxygen look and feel it sets the oxygen widget style and the Air plasma theme, that should be still the case.

- Marco

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On Feb. 1, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Martin Klapetek wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> (Updated Feb. 1, 2016, 7:30 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks and Plasma.
> Bugs: 358533
> Repository: plasma-framework
> Description
> -------
> They are untested, unmaintained and most importantly, broken.
> Let's remove them from our releases and move them to for grabs.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/desktoptheme/air/CMakeLists.txt 40ea382 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/colors 5c4e53d 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/dialogs/background.svgz 81ef460 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/dialogs/kickoff.svgz 40e2ae6 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/dialogs/krunner.svgz 1f6a64f 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/amarok.svgz e3c157e 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/audio.svgz 540cc77 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/battery.svgz 88f864e 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/configure.svgz a433b3c 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/device.svgz 23df094 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/document.svgz 6e89dd8 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/edit.svgz d0e1ca4 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/go.svgz ad3a4b2 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/kget.svgz 1f1702f 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/klipper.svgz 4afd33c 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/konv_message.svgz 10e31cd 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/konversation.svgz 376211a 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/kopete.svgz 5f41c4c 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/korgac.svgz 8c8f700 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/kpackagekit.svgz 234e6da 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/ktorrent.svgz dc623d8 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/list.svgz 0a25bb0 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/media.svgz 23653bd 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/nepomuk.svgz 5c8545e 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/network.svgz a8e8b16 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/notification.svgz db12260 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/preferences.svgz 12e6588 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/printer.svgz 199ab95 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/quassel.svgz b004749 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/slc.svgz 9fd376b 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/wallet.svgz 4ad3691 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/window.svgz eecc37f 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/icons/zoom.svgz c159491 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/metadata.desktop 0be4bd5 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/opaque/dialogs/background.svgz d2329ff 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/opaque/dialogs/krunner.svgz 2a2134f 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/opaque/widgets/extender-background.svgz e810ba4 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/opaque/widgets/panel-background.svgz 2a2134f 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/opaque/widgets/tooltip.svgz 2a2134f 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/translucent/dialogs/background.svgz 9b68062 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/translucent/dialogs/krunner.svgz 4c48b52 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/translucent/widgets/extender-background.svgz 799e798 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/translucent/widgets/panel-background.svgz 7783e3b 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/translucent/widgets/tooltip.svgz 7783e3b 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/action-overlays.svgz 4259105 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/actionbutton.svgz e1713ea 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/analog_meter.svgz f0d2163 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/arrows.svgz b987b32 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/background.svgz 174a8fc 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/bar_meter_horizontal.svgz 8031b77 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/bar_meter_vertical.svgz 1b0660d 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/branding.svgz c6316fb 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/busywidget.svgz f638cfb 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/button.svgz 2c529bf 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/calendar.svgz 2d80a49 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/checkmarks.svgz dcf2924 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/clock.svgz 3839dac 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/configuration-icons.svgz 9b212d3 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/containment-controls.svgz a3166ce 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/dragger.svgz 3629591 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/extender-background.svgz 4003079 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/extender-dragger.svgz 5bf3e0f 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/frame.svgz 327c284 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/glowbar.svgz 4a8a464 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/identiconshapes.svgz 67fe725 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/identicontheme.svgz ad881cd 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/labeltexture.svgz f52a78d 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/line.svgz 70efca4 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/lineedit.svgz 22347db 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/listitem.svgz ec7e89a 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/media-delegate.svgz e28b313 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/monitor.svgz 13a22fd 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/pager.svgz 2dcbbcd 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/panel-background.svgz 080a65d 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/picker.svgz c15eb0e 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/plot-background.svgz f4c7957 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/scrollbar.svgz c0ea8f5 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/scrollwidget.svgz 3281ad6 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/slider.svgz 107e627 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/systemtray.svgz 6e15351 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/tabbar.svgz 8e6684e 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/tasks.svgz f6ed0a9 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/toolbar.svgz 09ce09f 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/toolbox.svgz 138df24 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/tooltip.svgz 080a65d 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/translucentbackground.svgz 2aea33b 
>   src/desktoptheme/air/widgets/viewitem.svgz 82f9662 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/CMakeLists.txt 7854234 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/colors 760c109 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/dialogs/background.svgz 50589c5 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/dialogs/kickoff.svgz 994306e 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/dialogs/krunner.svgz eb4e196 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/metadata.desktop cb037d1 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/opaque/dialogs/background.svgz 6696739 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/opaque/dialogs/krunner.svgz a703868 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/opaque/widgets/extender-background.svgz cfcdc61 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/opaque/widgets/panel-background.svgz 77d20a7 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/opaque/widgets/tooltip.svgz 0c62a03 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/action-overlays.svgz 3020bff 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/actionbutton.svgz 8c31c2d 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/analog_meter.svgz ddf1acc 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/arrows.svgz 09f274c 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/background.svgz f9e4b1d 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/bar_meter_horizontal.svgz 6b2eeac 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/bar_meter_vertical.svgz 6d4c3c9 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/branding.svgz 70ba236 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/busywidget.svgz bcdfc59 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/button.svgz 4ac759d 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/calendar.svgz e784207 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/clock.svgz d2ec85e 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/configuration-icons.svgz ea73e6a 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/containment-controls.svgz 675cba4 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/dragger.svgz c4f8ce9 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/extender-background.svgz 7e5afab 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/extender-dragger.svgz 37c92ec 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/frame.svgz 7f5ce59 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/glowbar.svgz 557ff18 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/line.svgz f8f3d0e 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/lineedit.svgz 44b4ab6 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/media-delegate.svgz e28b313 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/monitor.svgz f005a57 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/pager.svgz 967015b 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/panel-background.svgz 13f2f69 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/plot-background.svgz 439b288 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/scrollbar.svgz d8a0557 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/scrollwidget.svgz 5e38523 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/slider.svgz f13f699 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/systemtray.svgz ad4e1a2 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/tasks.svgz 1ffa9d7 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/timer.svgz 43ceeee 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/toolbox.svgz 0f92dde 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/tooltip.svgz 33d0bb5 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/translucentbackground.svgz 47b418d 
>   src/desktoptheme/oxygen/widgets/viewitem.svgz cec433e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Martin Klapetek

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