Jenkins-kde-ci: kdbusaddons master kf5-qt5 » Linux, gcc - Build # 11 - Still Unstable!

Kevin Ottens ervin at
Mon Apr 25 07:40:18 UTC 2016


On Monday, 25 April 2016 07:29:51 CEST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> I object.
> a) I already told you, don't use something nobody else uses, use the
> separate repos

I think you're making that up to some extend, it's used and tested, more than 
all the possible combinations of using the separate repositories.

Note that I'm not saying we shouldn't use separate repositories, I'm just 
saying your argument isn't a good one.

Now, with the relationship we have with Qt, using the separate repositories on 
release branches make sense to me, exactly for this kind of situations when we 
want a fix faster.

> b) Not going to happen, but why would it matter at all?
> More reasons for it: c) ASAN does not check for things in the library being
> broken or not since it only works on code compiled with ASAN, so the
> crashes are not in the library, they are in your code (if they are because
> of the library being broken or not that's not important, *your* code is the
> one that is going to crash) d) Hiding your head in the sand and saying
> "this is not my fault it's Qt's fault" is not going to fix the fact that
> your code is crashing e) We've uncovered bugs that otherwise would have
> bitten us and nobody would have bothered fixing because they would be
> hardly reproducible, both in our code and in Qt's code, that is a *good*
> thing, not a bad thing.
> Let's not move backwards.

I fully agree with the rest though. Let's not use a rushed upgrade to 5.6 
because of another massive screw up in PIM as an excuse to reduce our checks. 
We wouldn't be there if sysadmins could have done the upgrade on their own 
agenda not one forced upon them.

Kévin Ottens,

KDAB - proud supporter of KDE,

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