kauth testing?

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 09:18:46 UTC 2016

Martin Graesslin wrote:

> did it build the mac or the fake backend?

On OS X, the Mac backend, and the polkit-qt-1 backend on Linux.

I'm not 100% sure of the exact error on OS X because the notification popups 
don't work properly (they just show the title/caption). That's another point; I 
don't know if those notifications are posted by KAuth or by smb4k. Smb4k looks 
very much like a work in progress, so I'm inclined to put the blame there rather 
than with either KAuth or KNotifications but I'm not familiar enough with those 
frameworks to be affirmative about that.

>> Is there a simple test app I could download and use to test this?
> Doesn't look like it, At least I didn't find any in the src repository.

That was my impression too. Then how about a "real-life" application that's 
known to work and not too tightly coupled to Plasma nor too demanding to build 
in terms of dependencies?

A propos that: does the KAuth mechanism actually work in the kwallet kcm 
provided by kwalletmanager, under a Plasma5 session? I still only see a call to 
KCModule::authAction() but cannot find a corresponding call to setAuthAction(), 
nor any use of "org.kde.kcontrol.kcmkwallet5.save" (defined in the kwallet.action 
file that's registered via kauth_install_actions).


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