KService autotests and tests on OS X

David Faure faure at kde.org
Wed Nov 11 14:49:23 UTC 2015

On Wednesday 11 November 2015 15:42:37 René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> I had to patch qtpaths to test this easily without digging through source code: it indeed returns just /Applications .

*writableLocation* returns /Applications ? How is that possible? 

Are you 100% sure you're talking about QSP::writableLocation, and not QSP::standardLocations?

> And of course I'll be re-checking my QSP patch

Yes, you should do that, because see the code I posted in the other email, upstream QSP cannot possibly return
"/Applications" from QSP::writableLocation().

> I'll be reporting this to Qt, of course.

That seems premature, due to you having your own patch on top of QSP.

> Related question: is there interplay between QSP::ApplicationsLocation and the CMake BUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR variable? Following MacPorts convention I'm installing pure Qt5 app bundles into /Applications/MacPorts/Qt5, KDE4 app bundles go into /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4 and KF5 one go into /Applications/MacPorts/KF5 .

They both point to /Applications, that's about all the interplay there is.

> Or maybe I should ask what QSP::ApplicationsLocation is used for. I guess KService uses it to search for .desktop and/or .service files or their equivalent.

Yes - only .desktop files.

.service is for DBus, and goes elsewhere.

> Nothing like that has yet been installed into /Applications, but my service files appear to end up in /opt/local/share/kservices5, does that sound about right?

Yes, desktop files for plugins typically go there.
Do you also install desktop files for apps in there? Why not. That's not the issue anyway.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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