Review Request 123735: version of QmlObject with a static engine

Marco Martin notmart at
Thu May 21 10:52:17 UTC 2015

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(Updated May 21, 2015, 10:52 a.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks and Plasma.


added a test taken from QQuickView one

make sure the behavior passes the tests

Repository: kdeclarative


to make easier doing applications like plasma that use a lot of qml to have a single engine make a subclass of QmlObject called QmlObjectSharedEngine that has a single, static QQmlEngine

Adds a class called QuickViewSharedEngine that has the same behavior as QmlObjectSharedEngine(using it): static QQmlEngine, separed rootContexts() for each instance.
This is used by desktopviews and panelviews to share their engine.

Unfortunately it may not be possible to get the applet configuration dialogs to use this, since they still need a separed engine in order to have a different controls style (qstyle based) than the stuff in the desktop/panel

Diffs (updated)

  autotests/CMakeLists.txt adc1102 
  autotests/quickviewsharedengine.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  autotests/util.h PRE-CREATION 
  autotests/util.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/kdeclarative/CMakeLists.txt d73bff0 
  src/kdeclarative/kdeclarative.cpp b3906e2 
  src/kdeclarative/qmlobject.h f26b67d 
  src/kdeclarative/qmlobject.cpp c483665 
  src/kdeclarative/qmlobjectsharedengine.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/kdeclarative/qmlobjectsharedengine.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/quickaddons/CMakeLists.txt 777d07c 
  src/quickaddons/quickviewsharedengine.h PRE-CREATION 
  src/quickaddons/quickviewsharedengine.cpp PRE-CREATION 




Marco Martin

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