Versioning of Frameworks

David Faure faure at
Tue May 12 07:22:12 UTC 2015

On Monday 11 May 2015 15:51:20 Christian Mollekopf wrote:
> I think there are two possibilities:
> * "master" is the development branch and we have a separate "release"
> branch
> => contributors have it easier because that is perhaps more common,
> and the people releasing need to know that they shouldn't release off
> "master" but off "release"
> * "master" is the release branch and we have a separate development
> branch

Neither of those is how development works in Frameworks.

"master" is the development branch *and* the release branch.

Most of the work on any library can be split into small enough chunks that can 
be committed incrementally, each change being stable and tested.
Only very large refactorings (e.g. changing the underlying technology) might 
sometimes require a work branch, but that is really the exception, smaller 
refactorings can also be done incrementally.

You're joining an existing project with existing rules. I made a compromise 
already on the versioning, can you make a compromise on the git workflow?

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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