Versioning of Frameworks

Jan Kundrát jkt at
Sun May 10 19:05:07 UTC 2015

On Sunday, 10 May 2015 15:39:02 CEST, David Faure wrote:
> Qt *is* splitted. It's just that the splitted libs are released together.

The splitting of Qt is not "full and complete", however. Modules tend to 
use each other's internal APIs, and that's the biggest reason for not 
supporting random mixing of different versions of Qt modules. Reducing the 
supported space of all possible combinations is another reason for sure, so 
I understand your point about doing the same in KF -- just explaining that 
in case of Qt5, there are other reasons as well.

> Making it possible for people to work on frameworks and then 
> use the result in 
> their applications quickly is exactly the reason why we have a 
> monthly release 
> cycle (unlike Qt). You can implement stuff in KF5 and use it the month that 
> follows in the layers above. This is orthogonal to the 
> discussion on version 
> numbering, i.e. I definitely don't see this as an argument in favour of 
> version hell.

I think that Christian is saying that he can't really "just use" a new 
version of a particular framework because that new version brings along a 
lot of unrelated changes as well. For some reason ("extra testing is 
required, we want stability") he doesn't want to follow that path. I think 
that it's a useful feedback from a user's point of view. I don't have an 
answer on how to fix this without introducing extra work to KF5 
maintainers, though.


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