CI for kf5-qt5 is not green anymore

David Faure faure at
Sat May 2 08:00:15 UTC 2015

On my checklist before making a KF5 release:
 * Ensure that CI is green.

What a surprise today.... CI is definitely not green!

One thing is: Mac OSX was added, so many jobs are "green on linux,
failing tests on mac". That's OK for now, no regression there. I started
to fix KConfig unittests for mac (no need for a mac anymore, one can
find out what happens by looking at CI output and make fixes), and I
encourage everyone else to do the same (*).

It would still be nice to see from the front page above whether a yellow job
is because of Linux or Mac, so I don't have to open them all to find out
what should be fixed urgently for the release.

Also and more importantly: something broke with e.g. KIO on Linux:,compiler=gcc/testReport/
Many of these tests fail with the following error message:
couldn't create slave: "Can not find io-slave for protocol 'file'."

Ben, Scarlett: did something change in the setup? Is XDG_DATA_DIRS not pointing to the
install dir of the framework anymore?

(*) On the Mac, many tests fail with "Cannot create window: no screens available".
I think this is because they need a bundle, which can be done by adding GUI to the
ecm_add_test call, see kxmlgui 9abace028 for an example.

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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