KPeople part of KDE Frameworks

Michael Pyne mpyne at
Tue Mar 3 02:30:41 UTC 2015

On Mon, March 2, 2015 20:15:20 Marko Käning wrote:
> So, having those ktp-* entries in dependency-data-stable-kf5-qt5 shouldn’t
> do any harm.
>    But I don’t know how kdesrc-build will handle this, though...

For missing entries kdesrc-build will infer "master" as the git branch to use. 
It would be very confusing for a user to ask to build a module and still have 
kdesrc-build ignore it because it doesn't have an entry in kde-build-metadata.

With that said, kdesrc-build *will* ignore modules that have a defined branch 
of "" (i.e. empty) in logical-module-structure, so if a module simply should 
not be built for a given branch-group my recommendation would be to define the 
branch-group after all but set it to an empty value. E.g.

        "kde/kdenetwork/ktp*": {
            "stable-qt4": "kde-telepathy-0.9",
            "latest-qt4": "kde-telepathy-0.9",
            "kf5-qt5": "master",
            "stable-kf5-qt5": ""

I believe that Scarlett's new CI supports this as well, and the current 
Jenkins CI also supports this.

 - Michael Pyne

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