reviving make uninstall?

Milian Wolff mail at
Wed Jan 28 23:10:17 UTC 2015

On Wednesday 28 January 2015 20:08:41 Alex Merry wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 January 2015 17:10:41 Milian Wolff wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > why was the uninstall target removed from make files in frameworks? I
> > cannot find any discussion regarding that on the web.
> > 
> > As a developer, I find it highly frustrating that I now have to do this
> > job
> > manually by going to the build folder of a project followed by a
> > 
> > xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
> > 
> > I know that both, this as well as make uninstall, have had limitations,
> > such as not uninstalling files that are not installed anymore and stuff
> > like that. That said, it's better than nothing and was an invaluable tool
> > for me over the last years.
> > 
> > So - can we bring it back please?
> IIRC, it was removed precisely because it's error-prone, and having a
> special target makes it seem official, and because there's a one-line
> replacement command.

It's not a one-liner. I need to go to the build folder first (which I don't 
need with makeobj). Also, I can auto-complete it easily. Seems like I'll have 
to write a script for this then :-/

> That's certainly the reason CMake doesn't provide it automatically.
> Personally, I'm not fussed either way, but then I've always been happy to
> nuke my install directory when necessary.

It's only used by developers anyways, so why bother? If it makes life simpler 
for devs, it should be there, no? Normal users who might get confused by it 
won't ever run make (un)install either, no?

Milian Wolff
mail at

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