OSX/CI: ark fails to build on branch frameworks
Raphael Kubo da Costa
rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jan 16 11:30:40 UTC 2015
Marko Käning <mk-lists at email.de> writes:
> Hi Raphael,
> On 14 Jan 2015, at 22:11 , Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
>> Is the full build log available somewhere, preferably with `make
>> VERBOSE=1'? This really smells like OS X having an older (< 3.0) version
>> of libarchive in its "base" system, a more recent version being
>> installed by `port' (found by CMake) and the older version being picked
>> up for linking.
> yes, that’s correct. The system’s libarchive is being found.
> Will send details as PM.
So to summarize: my hunch was correct and a libarchive shipped by OS X
itself in /usr/lib/libarchive.dynlib was being picked up by CMake (why
it got recognized as being recent enough I do not know) even though
there was a more recent libarchive version installed by MacPorts into
Since CMake itself was installed into a different prefix, it wasn't
looking at /opt/local by default, so we've fixed this by setting
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to that location.
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