Review Request 126369: [OS X] adaptation(s) to platform limitations (WIP)

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Thu Dec 17 14:00:52 UTC 2015

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(Updated Dec. 17, 2015, 3 p.m.)

Review request for KDE Software on Mac OS X and KDE Frameworks.


preview of the effects of the code snippet from my previous post.

I just realised that OS X also provides a completely different mechanism that could be used for a status notifier, albeit *only in "foreground" applications* (i.e. with full GUI presence). It's possible to add a menu to the Dock icon, and Qt provides a hook for that. The NeedsAttention state can then be achieved by the native mechanism that lets the Dock icon bounce (would require using ObjC though). Theoretically it's possible to change the dock icon at runtime but I see no real need for that. I'll have a look how well the "systray" menu works under a Dock icon.

Repository: knotifications


OS X has a number of limitations in features used by KNotifications, notably concerning the status notifier item (aka system tray icon).

This RR will likely evolve to address multiple limitations (at least also the NeedsAttention state); at the moment it only proposes an emulation of `QMenu::addSection`.

`QMenu::addSection` works by adding a QAction with a "texted separator" at the insertion location. Texted separators do not exist in menu items in the OS X "global" menubar (they become regular separators), and Qt will not provide a platform-specific implementation. Loss of the section title text is maybe not always an issue, but I think it is in the system tray menu. I therefore propose to emulate `QMenu::addSection` by replacing the texted separator with an inactive (disabled) menu item that shows the text, followed by a standard separator. Menus in the notification area are much less subject to interface guidelines, so the presence of an item icon is acceptable and IMO useful for the `titleAction`.

Testing the NeedsAttention state with the tests/kstatusnotifieritemtest application leads to disappearance of the menubar icon, i.e. the access to the notifier menu becomes invisible rather than blinking (which is what I get on Linux using the same packaging). Adding a few qDebug statements shows that the `attentionIcon` is empty.
I'd appreciate a crash course how this feature is supposed to work, so I can see if an OS X implementation might be feasible.


  src/kstatusnotifieritem.cpp f9bf460 



On OS X 10.9.5 with Qt 5.5.1 and frameworks 5.17.0 .

File Attachments (updated)

the systray icon & menu created by kstatusnotifieritemtest . This application has no icon to show.
The systray icon and menu created by the KDE4 kwalletmanager (code has an equivalent patch)
An Apple systray icon+menu that shows icons (which cannot be hidden)
kstatusnotifieritemtest with added appIcon


René J.V. Bertin

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