KTabBar/QTabBar and documentMode

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 11:04:18 UTC 2015

Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:

> Hi, that's one of my hints from 2010
> https://blogs.kde.org/2010/09/29/elegance-4-tab-bar-uncluttered :)

But that's for a different purpose, removing distracting visual clutter rather 
than ensuring that the tabs themselves remain useful.

After looking into the issue a bit more I've learned that the OS X native tab 
widget does allow to turn off text truncation, but that option isn't exported by 
Qt. In fact, I cannot even seem to find what native class is being used: there 
are no occurrences of the NSTab* classes I expected to find in the source.

> Definitely apps could be reviewed re the clutter even on Linux, KDE HIG can
> help too. I am not sure if automatic solutions are possible for the KF
> level.

No, neither am I, there's only so much one can do automatically with a widget. 
Ultimately it remains the task of the application/interface designer to use the 
provided building blocks to come up with something truly appropriate ... and 
overly intelligent widgets can shoot themselves in the foot by not being able to 
do exactly what they were told to do.

I think you can compare it to a monitor with "intelligent" dynamic 
contrast/colour control. Impossible to do any form of colour tuning on those 
when the feature cannot be turned off. (Similarly it took me a while to realise 
I had to turn off my DSLR's dynamic contrast feature if I wanted to do HDR 
myself :))


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