assert in kservicetypefactory.cpp

David Faure faure at
Tue Aug 18 07:46:25 UTC 2015

On Tuesday 18 August 2015 08:49:10 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> I've attached the stderr log.

Very strange, nothing about sycoca in there apart from the assert.

I am going to need your help on this one.

0) do you have a file called ~/.cache/ksycoca5 ?

1) please apply this patch to kio/tests/previewtest.cpp and run ./previewtest, does it work?

2) if it fails just like krita, please put a breakpoint in KSycocaPrivate::checkDatabase
(which is being called with parameter IfNotFoundRecreate from KSycoca::findFactory,
just before the assert) and check what happens in there. Also break on KSycocaPrivate::closeDatabase
to check if it's called (other than the very first time before opening).

Oh wait, could it be that you're hitting the bug that I fixed in kservice.git bf3f25f27406984a4,
after KF 5.13? Please try cherry-picking that commit.

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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