Review Request 122981: add KGlobalAccel::loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings

Gregor Mi codestruct at
Sat Apr 4 08:48:58 UTC 2015

> On March 22, 2015, 3:56 p.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > src/kglobalaccel.h, line 260
> > <>
> >
> >     typo in following
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     About why it is needed: see KGlobalShortcutTest::testLoadShortcutFromGlobalSettings: shortcut() does not behave as expected when the new method loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings() is not called
>     I don't know if always calling loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings() before shortcut() would break existing code. E.g. in kwin/effects/desktopgrid/desktopgrid_config.cpp shortcut() is used without prior call of loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings().
>     On the other hand, a call to loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings() might be harmless but I don't have a good overview of the KGlobalAccel usage patterns.
> Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>     Honestly i have no idea on how this kglobalaccel thing works, but it seems to me you're just adding a way to workaround a bug instead of fixing it.
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     Me neither :-)
>     I was hoping that someone with more experience with kglobalaccel can say more about the proposed solution.
>     Like you Thomas suggested to put the loading method into shortcut() (which is essentially a one-liner: d->updateGlobalShortcut(action, KGlobalAccelPrivate::ActiveShortcut, KGlobalAccel::Autoloading);).
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     well we could try it: add the one-line change and try whether the unit tests pass and then try whether the case in DesktopGridConfig works.
>     Unfortunately I'm also not that into KGloalAccel code yet to be 100 % whether it's a valid change :-(
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     I tried to call loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings() from within shortcut() and found that this violates const constraints:
>     shortcut() is const
>     d->updateGlobalShortcut is not const
>     So this is not possible.
>     How to proceed now?
> Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>     make mutable the members that updateGlobalShortcut modifies
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     I tried again and the call was even possible with only introducing some more consts. But the call of loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings() from within shortcut() makes more unit tests fail than without.
>     => the general call of loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings() from within shortcut() seems to harm more than it helps.
>     Currently, I have a problem with getting the unit tests to all pass (which is independet of this change; it happens also in master branch). See my analysis below and comment of the unit test itself:
>     /* These tests could be better. They don't include actually triggering actions,
>        and we just choose very improbable shortcuts to avoid conflicts with real
>        applications' shortcuts. */
>     It would be nice to document some instructions of how to reset the global shortcuts to a defined state.
> Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>     Use strace to see which files are being read.

I did
strace -o strace1.txt ./kglobalshortcuttest testFindActionByKey
sed -n '/open/p' strace1.txt >

This is the complete output and filtered by everything that contains "open":

List all filenames:
`sed -n 's/open("(.*)".*/\1/p' > strace1.files.txt`

Remove duplicates:
`sort strace1.files.txt | uniq -u > strace1.files.nodups.txt`

Manually remove /dev/urandom from that list.

Grep for testLoadShortcutFromGlobalSettings in the list.
for f in `cat strace1.files.nodups.txt`; do grep testLoadShortcutFromGlobalSettings $f; done

No result.

The shortcuts seem to be retrieved via DBUS. Is this covered by strace as well?

- Gregor

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On April 3, 2015, 5:50 p.m., Gregor Mi wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated April 3, 2015, 5:50 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks, Martin Gräßlin and Thomas Lübking.
> Repository: kglobalaccel
> Description
> -------
> In some cases you need to call loadShortcutFromGlobalSettings() in order not to get a an empty list when calling shortcut() (which is const).
> See discussion in ("libksysguard: add Kill Window to End Process button and show correct keyboard shortcut").
> Diffs
> -----
>   autotests/kglobalshortcuttest.h b1122a8f5ca2f3f7afbe78f8edba87325426c1a6 
>   autotests/kglobalshortcuttest.cpp 3b661bbb612807a3bbbe34835d4ae712c2ec74da 
>   src/kglobalaccel.h 3fe20ca8e4ec6ceb0bb9e54235aef7f1aeeb8c16 
>   src/kglobalaccel.cpp 1b6b3f5cb6d42401d684e6a491d12a6e57248fd1 
>   src/kglobalaccel_p.h eca7c52378ad60d0d5806561214b9788dd46a11e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Gregor Mi

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