Review Request 120421: - Update cmake files to match official polkit package, then enabling to use different include direcories

Hrvoje Senjan hrvoje.senjan at
Mon Sep 29 18:56:27 UTC 2014

> On Sept. 29, 2014, 3:36 p.m., Aleix Pol Gonzalez wrote:
> > Shouldn't include directories be dragged by polkit-qt? Maybe we should fix polkit-qt cmake files to do so?
> Helio Castro wrote:
>     Nope, this is not automatic and we're talking about polkit-qt5-1. If you look on the cmake file, there's include directories for older polkit-qt, but was clearly missing on polkit-qt5-1.
> Hrvoje Senjan wrote:
>     but i wonder 2 things, first why is this needed, second, why not fix polkit-qt-1 then?
> Helio Castro wrote:
>     This is needed in cases of some distribution, im my case Fedora, decides to put as example include subdirectories in something like this /usr/include/polkit-qt5-1/PolkitQt1/.
>     Is a general way, the way kauth cmakefile is set, it will work everytime IF you have the regular polkit install in the include root, which is the usual case , but this would invalidate such special cases.
>     The PolkitQt5-1Config.cmake provided by library indeed has the settings for this case, so, is not wrong at all unless we assume that include directories should be mandatory when cmake is configuring package. 
>     The second part of the patch on linking assumes that the polkit is a component, but is not defined in the library upstream cmake file, there indeed i agree that could be added, but still would not solve the current issue ;-)

this still looks incorrect/not necessary. as Polkit-Qt-1 now uses exported targets specifying includes by hand is not needed.
how are setting includes for polkit-qt?

- Hrvoje

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On Sept. 29, 2014, 8:26 p.m., Helio Castro wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Sept. 29, 2014, 8:26 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks.
> Repository: kauth
> Description
> -------
> - Update cmake files to match official polkit package, then enabling to use different include direcories
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/ConfigureChecks.cmake 70b9f7d22c7b30f92868d36d07b12a3a3a650655 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Helio Castro

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