Review Request 119991: Use Juvia to add comments on the API class pages

Matthew Dawson matthew at
Fri Sep 12 03:07:49 UTC 2014

> On Sept. 8, 2014, 6:22 p.m., Ben Cooksley wrote:
> > What is the status of this? Is there anything blocking it being shipped and made available on
> Denis Steckelmacher wrote:
>     It works locally, so I'm just waiting for a ship-it or other comments :-)
> Aleix Pol Gonzalez wrote:
>     Let's see if we can get this discussed in the KF5 BoF today.
> Aleix Pol Gonzalez wrote:
>     I kind of forgot... :(
>     Anyway, +1 for me. If there are no reasons to keep postponing it, I'd say let's just do this.
> Matthew Dawson wrote:
>     The only issue I see is that the email notifications has the admin url included, which it appears I cannot access, making it hard to find the new comment.  There was a suggested change to juvia, which would fix this.  Has that been applied?
>     Otherwise, +1 for me too.
> Ben Cooksley wrote:
>     I have not seen a reference to that. If it requires changes to Juvia itself, please submit them upstream then file a sysadmin ticket so we can integrate them.
>     I don't see why that would prevent us from moving forward with deploying this change as it can be fixed later without changing the side code.
>     Based on the feedback above, I think this can now be committed Denis.

I don't think upstream would be happy with the patch, as it hijacks the moderator emails (which should link to the admin page) to send out notifications of when a comment occurs.  There was a suggestion on how to change the link in the email in a comment above (not a formal patch), which we could apply locally.  If syadmins don't want to carry the change locally (which I understand completely), then we should see about submitting such a feature upstream.

Regardless of whether the change is kept locally, I agree it can be committed.  I'll throw the ship it switch, since it seems we are all in agreement.

- Matthew

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On Aug. 29, 2014, 10:16 a.m., Denis Steckelmacher wrote:
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> (Updated Aug. 29, 2014, 10:16 a.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks and Aurélien Gâteau.
> Repository: kapidox
> Description
> -------
> Juvia is a Free Software commenting system that can easily be used on static websites like An instance of Juvia has just been installed on (many thanks to Ben Cooksley!), and this patch adds support for it to
> The users can now comment class pages. The comments are disabled (no comment box nor anything else appears) on the main page of each framework, on the Frameworks 5 index page and on any other page that does not directly concern a class. I've done that in order to avoid cluttering important pages with comments, but if you think that having comments on all the pages (or a bigger subset of them) is desirable, it is very easy to change. Personally, I would avoid having comments on the main pages, so that any spam, if the automatic Akismet filter does not work, will not be too visible.
> A screenshot is linked to this review request and shows how the comments have been integrated (I slightly modified the built-in Juvia style so that Doxygen and KDE colors are used).
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/kapidox/data/htmlresource/kde.css e173dfe 
>   src/kapidox/data/templates/comments.html PRE-CREATION 
>   src/kapidox/data/templates/doxygen.html d00e14e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Posting a comment works, and comments can be viewed. They also appear in the admin interface of Juvia (I've now deleted these comments). I posted comments on different classes and in different frameworks in order to test that namespacing works correctly.
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> Comments on
> Thanks,
> Denis Steckelmacher

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