There's no proper replacement for KIcon

David Faure faure at
Wed Sep 10 14:38:55 UTC 2014

On Tuesday 09 September 2014 16:25:26 Kevin Krammer wrote:
> Wouldn't a fourth option be to make sure that hicolor is actually a proper 
> fallback as specified?
> Applications already are more or less required to install their fallbacks
> in  hicolor, so the shared icons should be there as well, no?


It seems to me that the best solution is to actually use hicolor in the first 
place, for application icons.

Possibly with an oxygen or breeze variant as well, but that's the optional 

I think we're dealing with a not-well-thought-out migration from years ago 
when we switched from hicolor to oxygen and just renamed every icon without 
thinking much about interoperability.

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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