Removing border and background from KPageView

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Tue Sep 9 08:33:22 UTC 2014

El Dilluns, 8 de setembre de 2014, a les 23:31:52, Anton Kreuzkamp va 
> Hi,
> on the VDG forum there has been a discussion about improving the design of
> "sidebars" (
> Meant are the sidebars that allow navigating between application pages,
> namely KPageView.
> The idea is to remove the border and the white background, so that the list
> is drawn onto the window-background directly.
> The implementation of this is rather easy, it's basically setting two flags
> in the constructor of KPageListView, resp. KPageTreeView.
> The result is this:
> When using a tree view, it's like this:
> What's your opinion regarding this?

I think that the white background better and it's what lists have been doing 
for a long time.

Is there any UX/design rationale of why removing the background is better than 
having it?


> Cheers, Anton

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