Review Request 119991: Use Juvia to add comments on the API class pages

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Tue Sep 2 10:06:29 UTC 2014

> On Aug. 29, 2014, 2:42 p.m., Matthew Dawson wrote:
> > This looks really awesome.  Is there some way for maintainers (or other interested parties) to watch their framework's comments, to be on the look out for any interesting conversation?  Users may make comments about the API's that would be good to follow up on.
> > 
> > Thanks for looking into this!
> Denis Steckelmacher wrote:
>     I agree that having the comments forwarded by email to a mailing list (or the maintainers) would have been wonderful, but I have not seen how this could be enabled in the (minimalistic) admin panel of Juvia. I have never developed anything in Ruby but I'll have a look at what Juvia does when a comment is posted. A hack so that comments are forwared somewhere may be possible.
> Denis Steckelmacher wrote:
>     Okay, for what I've seen in the source code (here:, an email should be sent to the owner of the site on which a comment has been posted. I'm currently the owner of "KDE Frameworks 5" (the Juvia site for the comments), and I've not received any email. If I remember well, getting emails to work with a Ruby website is a bit tricky. I can change my email to something publicly viewable or at least more easily testable if need be.
> Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>     Yeha, check with sysadmins why emails are not working and then maybe create a api-kde-comments at mailing list or something that people can subscribe to?
> Ben Cooksley wrote:
>     Emails should be fixed now, I did everything but reconfigure the MTA to deliver outbound mail when setting up the system.
> Denis Steckelmacher wrote:
>     Yes, I confirm that comments are now working. I posted a test comment and I received this email:
>     > A new comment has been posted on "KDE Frameworks 5"
>     >
>     > Topic     : KArchive - KCompressionDevice Class Reference (
>     > Name      : steckdenis
>     > Email     : steckdenis at
>     > IP        : SNIP
>     > User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0
>     > Referer   : Unknown
>     > 
>     > Test comment
>     Once a mailing-list is created, I can change my e-mail address so that the mailing-list receives the comments. One small problem, though, is that the URL given in the email points to the admin interface instead of the API page on which the comment has been posted. I'll see if it is possible to slightly change a Juvia template so that the API doc url is used, it should be easy ( is the file to change, and replacing `admin_topic_url(@comment.topic)` with `@comment.topic.url` may work).
> Ben Cooksley wrote:
>     Please file a ticket to request the creation of the mailing list.
> Denis Steckelmacher wrote:
>     The mailing list has been created (api-comments at,, and I've changed the configuration of Juvia so that comments posted on get forwarded to the mailing-list. I have subscribed noreply at (the email address from which the Juvia emails come from) to api-comments at, and I've posted a comment. The archives of api-comments at does not list it though, and I have received no e-mail (not even an e-mail asking for moderation). Is it normal or has something gone wrong?

The archives didn't list it because archiving wasn't enabled - which I have now fixed. You haven't received an email likely because the mail wasn't held for moderation (because the mailing list config is set to allow non-members to post) and you aren't subscribed to the mailing list. One can be a moderator for a mailing list without being subscribed to it.

- Ben

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On Aug. 29, 2014, 2:16 p.m., Denis Steckelmacher wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Aug. 29, 2014, 2:16 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks and Aurélien Gâteau.
> Repository: kapidox
> Description
> -------
> Juvia is a Free Software commenting system that can easily be used on static websites like An instance of Juvia has just been installed on (many thanks to Ben Cooksley!), and this patch adds support for it to
> The users can now comment class pages. The comments are disabled (no comment box nor anything else appears) on the main page of each framework, on the Frameworks 5 index page and on any other page that does not directly concern a class. I've done that in order to avoid cluttering important pages with comments, but if you think that having comments on all the pages (or a bigger subset of them) is desirable, it is very easy to change. Personally, I would avoid having comments on the main pages, so that any spam, if the automatic Akismet filter does not work, will not be too visible.
> A screenshot is linked to this review request and shows how the comments have been integrated (I slightly modified the built-in Juvia style so that Doxygen and KDE colors are used).
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/kapidox/data/htmlresource/kde.css e173dfe 
>   src/kapidox/data/templates/comments.html PRE-CREATION 
>   src/kapidox/data/templates/doxygen.html d00e14e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Posting a comment works, and comments can be viewed. They also appear in the admin interface of Juvia (I've now deleted these comments). I posted comments on different classes and in different frameworks in order to test that namespacing works correctly.
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> Comments on
> Thanks,
> Denis Steckelmacher

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