Issues for Qt5/KF5/KDE/CI system on OSX/MacPorts

Marko Käning mk-lists at
Tue May 27 05:53:03 UTC 2014

On 27 May 2014, at 07:29 , Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at> wrote:

> Please try the following syntax instead.
> Note that I recommend you override this in
> config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg instead to ensure all CMake projects
> on OS X are affected by it.
> configurePlatformArgs=-DCMAKE_INSTALL_BUNDLEDIR="{installPrefix}/Applications”
Will do.

> We're using /Applications within the install prefix here to ensure we
> don't conflict with binaries, and also as they would normally be
> separated on a normal system installation.
> As a note to the KConfig framework maintainer - I'm not sure about OS
> X specifically, but I thought that /Applications was only supposed to
> be used by full applications the user could run. kconfig_compiler
> doesn't fit this….

Hmm, I also don’t think this is the right place for it!

I’d leave it in the SOME-PREFIX/lib/libexec/ path, if possible, if it is a
tool only needed during installation…

But, if this is not true and it is a tool for everyday-work on KDE, then I’d suggest
something like /Applications/KF5/.

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