Issues for Qt5/KF5/KDE/CI system on OSX/MacPorts

mk-lists at mk-lists at
Mon May 26 18:37:23 UTC 2014

Hi Alex & Ben,

On 26 May 2014, at 11:04 , Alex Merry <alex.merry at> wrote:
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BUNDLEDIR=some/relative/path

thanks to your hint I was able to insert a temporary workaround here on my CI system
by supplying an additional configuration file for kconfig as this:
$ cat ~/scripts/config/build/kconfig/darwin-mavericks.cfg 
and kconfig installs with the application bundle in the same folder:
$ pwd; ls -l
total 136
-rwxr-xr-x 1 marko staff 136364 May 26 20:09 kconf_update
drwxr-xr-x 3 marko staff    102 May 26 20:09

I hope that Ben can give me a hint about how to make use of proper variable substitution
in that cfg file, since the following unfortunately doesn’t work:

With this change I was already able to complete the installation and deployment of my
last "tier 2 show stopper" kcompletion. :-)

Proceeding now...

Thanks again,

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