Releasing Deprecated modules and Tier 4 Definition

Alex Merry alex.merry at
Mon Mar 17 18:15:01 UTC 2014

On 17/03/14 17:15, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Now, the last point... What else do we want to move from KDE Frameworks to KDE 
> Porting Aids? Aleix and Aaron proposed the following content for KDE Porting 
> Aids:
>  * kde4support (obvious);
>  * khtml (planned for a long time);
>  * kjs (because of khtml I gather);
>  * kjsembed (ditto);
>  * krunner (because of upcoming sprinter, and only one user anyway);
>  * kmediaplayer (unused AFAIK).

Despite being the kmediaplayer maintainer, I have no great love of it,
and would be happy to see it deprecated.  However, it does have users:
kmid and kmplayer (in extragear/multimedia) both implement it, and there
is an audio plugin for the rename dialog that consumes it.

LXR reckons that's it, and we have the KIO KPreviewWidget stuff (that
KFileAudioPreview implements, for example) for that sort of preview.

Summary: let's deprecate it (and KMid can implement KPreviewWidgetBase
if they want).


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