Review Request 116037: change entities to reflect new branding

Burkhard Lück lueck at
Fri Feb 28 13:38:53 UTC 2014

> On Feb. 25, 2014, 10:46 a.m., Burkhard Lück wrote:
> > I am fine with the new entities.
> > 
> > But the entities *must* be in all <replaceable>lang</replaceable>/user.entities (48) files
> > as well.
> > Without having the entities in all language user.entities the generation of language docbbooks
> > using one of these new entities breaks.
> T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
>     Hmm, should I just define them in English for now and put a call out to kde-i18n-doc for them to be translated after this gets committed?
> Luigi Toscano wrote:
>     I would say (waiting for confirmation from Burkhard) define them in English, please copy them in the entity files for the various languages and then send out an email to kde-i18n-doc.

We have two options here:
1) commit only to en/user.entities + mail to translators and explain what they should do (add translated entities to their user.entities)
   1a) "unfriendly" reminder for lang teams. Each time they try to generate their lang docbooks 
       they get an error, until they add these new entities to their lang/user.entities
   1b) when Scripty starts tracking frameworks docbooks, he will throw a lot of error messages 
       in to the log, until all teams added the entities
2) commit english entities to all lang/user.entities + mail to translators and explain what they should do (translate these entities)
   2a) no errors from Scripty
   2b) we have no frameworks docbooks so far, so it is very likely most teams will overlook the 
       request to translate the entities. This will later lead to some untranslated (english) 
       names in lang documentations
Both options have some drawbacks, but I'd go with No 2) because some untranslated names 
are not critical and should be easy to fix for the teams when the proofread their documentation.

Maybe the Send Later feature in KMail could be used to send the first mail to the translators list
frequently every two months or so until 5.0 or whatever it is called will be out?


- Burkhard

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On Feb. 25, 2014, 1:02 a.m., T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Feb. 25, 2014, 1:02 a.m.)
> Review request for Documentation, KDE Frameworks, Luigi Toscano, Burkhard Lück, and Yuri Chornoivan.
> Repository: kdoctools
> Description
> -------
> -&kde; is no longer semantically identified as an acronym, but instead as an organization
> -new translatable entities for KDE Frameworks are added
> -new translatable entities for the KDE SC are added
> -new translatable entities for the various incarnations of Plasma are added
> with this I can finally kill the "temporary" entities that have been in kde-runtime.git/doc/fundamentals for over a year now.  :-)
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/customization/en/user.entities 47bfe0d 
>   src/customization/entities/general.entities 183fbc9 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> kdoctools still builds, kate docs still meinproc5 successfully
> Thanks,
> T.C. Hollingsworth

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