Review Request 115739: Make UDSEntry a Q_MOVABLE type, and add some benchmarks and tests

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at
Sun Feb 16 08:31:26 UTC 2014

> On Feb. 15, 2014, 8:28 p.m., David Faure wrote:
> > Yeah the description is wrong. Making something Q_MOVABLE means that inserting into the list, or the copying that happens when reallocating for more space, will be able to memmove() instead of copy-constructing items. This doesn't change the actual memory layout (which only depends on the size of the items).
> > 
> > Basically, as long as UDSEntry doesn't have a "q" pointer in its private class (which it doesn't), it's movable. So marking it as movable is correct, but not with this commit message.
> > 
> > As to a difference in performance, I would be surprised if it was measurable. The copy ctor for UDSEntry plays with a refcount.

"Yeah the description is wrong. Making something Q_MOVABLE means that inserting into the list, or the copying that happens when reallocating for more space, will be able to memmove() instead of copy-constructing items. This doesn't change the actual memory layout (which only depends on the size of the items)"

I am afraid this is wrong. A QList<T> is essentially a small wrapper around a QList<void*>, which *always* uses memmove() to move around its items. If sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*), and it's known that using memmove() is safe for T (e.g. because it's POD or Qt itself declares it as Q_MOVABLE), then QList just reinterprets each void* as an item of type T.

If that is not the case, then QList<T> will effectively become a QList<T*>, and allocate memory for each item individually on the heap.

So yes, making something Q_MOVABLE definitely changes the actual memory layout.

Anyone who does not believe me is encouraged to have a quick look at these excellent posts by Marc Mutz:

or look at the source,

Note that void QList<T>::append(const T &t) calls the function

void QList<T>::node_construct(Node *n, const T &t)

which does

n->v = new T(t)

if QTypeInfo<T>::isLarge (which means that T is larger than a void*) or QTypeInfo<T>::isStatic (which means that T has not been declared as Q_MOVABLE). This is all explained in Marc's second post.

"As to a difference in performance, I would be surprised if it was measurable. The copy ctor for UDSEntry plays with a refcount."

My point is *not* that this change saves us the refcount updates when items are moved around.

What is saves is that a small block (including the overhead that the memory allocator adds to each allocatin, usually 32 bytes) of memory is allocated/deallocated every time an item is added to/removed from the list.

This might still not affect the performance noticeably in many cases, but allocating memory is a lot more expensive than just increasing a refcount.

- Frank

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On Feb. 13, 2014, 8:23 p.m., Frank Reininghaus wrote:
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> (Updated Feb. 13, 2014, 8:23 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks and David Faure.
> Repository: kio
> Description
> -------
> I'm continuing my efforts to make UDSEntry more efficient, which were started in This is the second step, and I'll probably do more in the future, for which I will split into independent parts.
> This patch contains the following changes (which are separate commits):
> 1. Make UDSEntry a Q_MOVABLE type. This has the effect that a QList<UDSEntry> a.k.a. UDSEntryList will store the actual entries in a single allocated block of memory, and not pointers to UDSEntries which are allocated individually on the heap (this means that this change is binary incompatible). This reduces the memory usage by 32 bytes per UDSEntry in a QList because each memory allocation uses at least 32 bytes on a 64-bit system.
> This idea is similar to what I proposed for KFileItem in That one had to be reverted later though because it turned out that KDirLister does rely on QList<KFileItem> storing only pointers to the KFileItems. I'm confident that no such trouble will happen for UDSEntry - all KIO unit tests still pass.
> One could argue that we could simply use a UDSEntryVector instead of a UDSEntyList to achieve the same memory savings, but considering that the list is used quite frequently ( ), this might require a lot of porting work and cause other unexpected problems.
> Note that I could not make the Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO declaration work if it was inside the KIO namespace, but I still preferred to do it immediately after the class declaration, so I had to interrupt the namespace briefly.
> 2. Add some benchmarks to measure how long typical UDSEntry operations take: add fields to an entry, read fields from an entry, store a UDSEntryList in a QByteArray, and read it back from the QByteArray.
> All measurements are done both for UDSEntries with 8 fields (this is a rather typical use case because kio_file usually creates 8 fields), and for entries with the maximum number of fields.
> 3. Add a simple manual test ('listjobtest') that runs a KIO::ListJob for a given URL. This can be used to easily measure the memory usage of the UDSEntryList that contains an entry for each file at that URL.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/core/udsentry.h 9550a7e 
>   tests/CMakeLists.txt dbca6a5 
>   tests/listjobtest.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   tests/udsentrybenchmark.cpp PRE-CREATION 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> 1. KIO unit tests still pass.
> 2. I've confirmed with the new 'listjobtest' and KSysGuard that the memory usage is really lowered by 32 bytes per item in a UDSEntryList.
> 3. The benchmark results do not change significantly. I only tested it with a debug build (i.e., with optimizations disabled) though, and I'm afraid I might be lacking the resources to set up an additional build of Qt5 and all of KF5 in release mode. However, since UDSEntry essentially only depends on qtbase, I might be able to just do a release build of qtbase and build a stand-alone version of UDSEntry+benchmarks on top of that. I'll look into this option for getting reliable benchmark results when I work on further improvements in the future.
> Thanks,
> Frank Reininghaus

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