SIC in KIO master

David Faure faure at
Fri Aug 29 18:26:49 UTC 2014

On Tuesday 26 August 2014 16:29:23 Harald Sitter wrote:
> alohas,
> it would appear to me that a recent change in kio [1] was rather,
> very, entirely source incompatible (one could argue binary but let's
> not go there).
> Say I had the following in my application using kio 5.0/1:
> connect(copyjob, &CopyJob::aboutToCreate, this, &MyThing::onABoutToCreate);
> my application would no longer compile with 5.2 :'(

Yes. But I wager that there is no such application, because CopyInfo is not 
documented in the api docs, so the only way to read what's in there is to open 
copyjob.h, and there it was marked as @internal
and with
/// FIXME: If this is internal, why is being used in a public signal below?

> Can we please revert and deprecate instead?

That wouldn't allow to fix that FIXME, i.e. to make CopyInfo internal for 

This signal was added for kde3's kdesktop, and has been useless ever since.
Its documentation shows why it's mostly useless - the urls in there aren't 
even final, in case the user chooses "rename" in a conflict dialog.

>From a pragmatic point of view, I can't see what this could possibly break,
other than language bindings, which is how you found this, I assume?

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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