Kioslave repos

David Faure faure at
Sun Apr 27 13:39:05 UTC 2014

On Tuesday 08 April 2014 06:02:33 Àlex Fiestas wrote:
> On Monday 07 April 2014 23:27:33 Alex Merry wrote:
> > Aleix wanted a separate thread for this, so here it is.
> > 
> > The current runtime splitting plan says that ioslaves should be in three
> > places: core ones (file, http, etc) in kio, other useful ones (archive,
> > bookmarks, etc) in "kioslaves", and curiosities (cgi, finger) in
> > kioslave-extra.
> > 
> > In my view, this is too many repos (and I apologise for not bringing it
> > up sooner, but the last I'd seen on the list, only one repo outside kio
> > was being suggested, and I hadn't realised the plan had changed).
> > 
> > Moving things between repos is a *pain*, and I think Ben and Albert have
> > a point about being over-eager to split things up.  In this case, I
> > think we should just have core things in kio, and everything else in
> > kioslaves (or call it kio-extra-slaves, or whatever). Everything in that
> > package should be optional, and distros can split it up if they really
> > want, but I don't think we should split it.
> The reason for the split is that they are not used, not maintained and they
> are not of general interest. Few examples:
> kiosalves of interest:
> sftp
> fish
> smb
> ...
> kioslaves not of interest:
> settings (allows you to use dolphin/konqueror as systemsettings)
> cgi (allows you to execute cgi without having a web server)
> finger
> I personally do not want to have those not of interest or unmaintained
> kiosalves around, I do not want to maintain them, I do not want distros to
> ship them by default (which will happen for those distros that will pacakge
> the entire repository) etc.
> Maybe we can move them to unmaintain (there is such place in our git repos I
> think)  or something like that, but I really think that kio_cgi does not
> belong near smb.

Here's my take on this topic:

* kill settings, cgi and finger
* move kio_desktop to workspace
* put the rest in a kio-extras repo (that part is done, I see)
* place that repo in kde/ or kde/<something> in the 
hierarchy, so that it gets released with the KDE Applications, NOT with the 
workspace product. Support for kio_fish/kio_sftp on Windows or Gnome desktops 
is one of the major selling points of Dolphin there, this is "apps", not 

(I can help with the last task, moving on p.k.o, if everyone agrees)

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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