Review Request 117652: Rewrite FindLibGcrypt.cmake to not use gcrypt-config

Alex Merry alex.merry at
Sun Apr 20 10:27:08 UTC 2014

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I think it would be good to still use libgcrypt-config if it finds it and can run it to provide hints to find_library and find_path (in much the same way pkg-config is used for other find modules).

Just to note that if you want to submit it to ECM (which I think is probably a good idea), you'll need to provide an imported target as well.


    Have a look at FindEGL.cmake in ECM master for what I view as a better documentation style (although that's only something I'm going to demand if you submit it to ECM).


    The license should be separated from the docs by a completely blank line (no #). Also, (c) is pointless in copyright statements.


    Please put in the full license (BSD 3-clause).


    This shouldn't be here (unless the find module really can't deal with older versions).

- Alex Merry

On April 20, 2014, 2:54 a.m., Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated April 20, 2014, 2:54 a.m.)
> Review request for Build System and KDE Frameworks.
> Repository: kwallet
> Description
> -------
> Using the gcrypt-config shell script won't work on Windows.
> I wrote a new find module from scratch. It now searches for the library and include directory the usual CMake way (find_library and find_path). It supports version checking by extracting the version number from the gcrypt.h header.
> By the way, lxr shows there are four different copies of FindLibGcrypt.cmake in different KDE projects and they all have one flaw or another. I think none uses FindPackageHandleStandardArgs, for example. Maybe we should consider putting this one into ECM for kwallet and the others to share.
> Diffs
> -----
>   CMakeLists.txt 9aad9c0 
>   cmake/FindLibGcrypt.cmake 45c0d5d 
>   src/runtime/kwalletd/backend/CMakeLists.txt 4c36767 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Tested on Windows with MSVC2010, cmake 2.8.12, finding emerge-built libgcrypt. Also tested on Debian Linux, cmake, finding the distro's libgcrypt.
> Thanks,
> Nicolás Alvarez

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