Hitting assertion in kio-trash (KF5KIOCore)

Kevin Funk kfunk at kde.org
Wed Apr 16 19:31:01 UTC 2014


While running unit tests from kdevplatform I hit the following assert in 
trash/trashimpl.cpp (from workspace/kio-extras)

Output of the unit test (which attempts to trash some folders):
trying to create  "/home/krf/.local/share/Trash/info/.trashinfo" 
trying to create  "/home/krf/.local/share/Trash/info/.trashinfo 1" 
trying to create  "/home/krf/.local/share/Trash/info/.trashinfo 2" 
trying to create  "/home/krf/.local/share/Trash/info/.trashinfo 3" 
trying to create  "/home/krf/.local/share/Trash/info/.trashinfo 4" 
trying to create  "/home/krf/.local/share/Trash/info/.trashinfo 5" 
trying to create  "/home/krf/.local/share/Trash/info/.trashinfo 6" 
ASSERT: "fileId.endsWith( QLatin1String(".trashinfo") )" in file 
/home/krf/devel/src/kf5/kde/workspace/kio-extras/trash/trashimpl.cpp, line 272
kioslave: ####### CRASH ###### protocol = trash pid = 6144 signal = 6

Looking at the code, that assert looks very suspicious. The code above the 
assert seems to generate file ids such as '.trashinfo' or '.trashinfo 
SOME_NUMBER'. In case of the latter, the assert will always be hit.

Any ideas? Did KIO::RenameDialog::suggestName change?

Reproducable with:
./plugins/git/tests/kdevgit-test testRemoveEmptyFolder

from kdevplatform.git.


Kevin Funk

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