Kioslave repos

Kevin Ottens ervin at
Tue Apr 8 05:57:31 UTC 2014


On Monday 07 April 2014 23:27:33 Alex Merry wrote:
> Aleix wanted a separate thread for this, so here it is.
> The current runtime splitting plan says that ioslaves should be in three
> places: core ones (file, http, etc) in kio, other useful ones (archive,
> bookmarks, etc) in "kioslaves", and curiosities (cgi, finger) in
> kioslave-extra.
> In my view, this is too many repos (and I apologise for not bringing it
> up sooner, but the last I'd seen on the list, only one repo outside kio
> was being suggested, and I hadn't realised the plan had changed).
> Moving things between repos is a *pain*, and I think Ben and Albert have
> a point about being over-eager to split things up.

Yes, some of the splits I see in workspace land leave me wondering what were 
the rationale for them. But I can smell problems down the line.

To clarify, I'm not necessarily a huge fan of the one repository per framework 
as we did *but* there was a justification for it. We're trying to target an 
extra audience which would benefit from it. So that's a necessary evil for KDE 
Frameworks if you want. I don't see that for the workspace.

> In this case, I think we should just have core things in kio, and everything
> else in kioslaves (or call it kio-extra-slaves, or whatever). Everything in
> that package should be optional, and distros can split it up if they really
> want, but I don't think we should split it.

I totally agree there.

Kévin Ottens,

KDAB - proud supporter of KDE,

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