Review Request 112785: Add ki18n_wrap_ui macro to ki18nMacros

Kevin Ottens ervin at
Wed Oct 9 16:42:53 UTC 2013

> On Sept. 23, 2013, 10:37 a.m., Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > I'm surprised it doesn't use qt5_wrap_ui. It seems to reinvent it at least partly.
> Jeremy Whiting wrote:
>     well, qt5_wrap_ui wasn't around when this was created (as kde4_add_ui_files iirc). All I did was copy it and rename it. didn't look into making it use qt5_wrap_ui.
> Kevin Ottens wrote:
>     Could you please look into it?
> Chusslove Illich wrote:
>     This is why I asked Jeremy in the other review, that motivated this one, to
>     commit using the plain qt5_wrap_ui, until I get to doing the proper thing
>     for k18n_wrap_ui.
>     Yes, in spirit k18n_wrap_ui should be a wrapper for qt5_wrap_ui, and thus I
>     would call it k18n_qt5_wrap_ui. If uic would have some additional command
>     line options, k18n_wrap_ui would internally really be a wrapper for
>     qt5_wrap_ui; but without these options, it may end up just copying the code
>     (little as there is) from qt5_wrap_ui and adding its own stuff atop.
>     k18n_qt5_wrap_ui must also have its own macro options to support the new/
>     modified ki18n functionality (namely setting the translation domain and
>     activating the KUIT markup processing).
> Jeremy Whiting wrote:
>     Ok, I'll leave this alone for now, and just #include <klocalizedstring.h> where we were depending on that being added to the ui_*.h files before.

Is this patch abandoned or it'll see another revision soon?

- Kevin

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On Sept. 17, 2013, 7:56 p.m., Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Sept. 17, 2013, 7:56 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks and Alexander Neundorf.
> Repository: kdelibs
> Description
> -------
> It builds and installs, but doesn't seem to be usable from within kdelibs, i.e. ki18n_wrap_ui in knewstuff/src/CMakeLists.txt fails with this. I suspect one more thing is needed to make it work from within kdelibs builds.
> Diffs
> -----
>   tier2/ki18n/CMakeLists.txt d0ed448 
>   tier2/ki18n/ 18b6e2f 
>   tier2/ki18n/cmake/KI18NMacros.cmake PRE-CREATION 
>   tier2/ki18n/cmake/ki18nuic.cmake PRE-CREATION 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Builds and installs into PREFIX/lib64/cmake/KI18N next to KI18nConfig.cmake
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Whiting

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