Dot story on KDE contributions to Qt 5.2

John Layt jlayt at
Sun Nov 24 19:29:11 UTC 2013

On 24 November 2013 19:34, David Faure <faure at> wrote:
> Is this supposed to be "added for Qt 5.2" only, or "added in Qt 5.0, 5.1 and
> 5.2"?
> This email says the former, but the document contains a lot of the earlier
> stuff (mimetypes, qstandardpaths, ...)
> See the above doc for more, I wrote more details and updated the wiki page at
> to be clearer.

I think we mainly want to highlight the 5.2 contributions seeing as
it's to coincide with the 5.2 release, but we also want a paragraph or
two mentioning previous contributions, partly as we didn't advertise
those much at the time, but also to show this isn't a one-off thing
but rather an ongoing and successful process.

I'll try sketch out a few paragraphs tomorrow to give the story some structure.



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