Question about kimproxy

Will Stephenson wstephenson at
Thu Nov 21 13:20:24 UTC 2013

On 09/11/13 01:49, David Faure wrote:
> I'm looking at interfaces/kimproxy in kdelibs, which has your copyright.
> says that it's now unused in all of KDE 
> SC, the only user is playground/pim/leute/services/imaddress/
> but an interface requires a provider and a user anyway, so surely this isn't 
> even enough to make it useful.
> Is it OK if I just kill kimproxy in KF5?

Sorry for the late reply.  Yes, it's ok if you just kill it, if you
haven't already.  Kopete dropped it already, IIRC Konversation kept it
early in the KDE 4 cycle but must have dropped it if lxr doesn't see it
any more.


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