Reporting bugs against frameworks/plasma2

Àlex Fiestas afiestas at
Thu Nov 21 14:53:33 UTC 2013

Hi there!

We are already trying to dogfood Plasma2 + frameworks and as it was to be 
expected we have tons of bugs :p so I have taken the liberty of setting up 
bugzilla, we can change things if you don't agree with that I have done.

For frameworks:
	I have added a new version called "frameworks", product is still kdelibs.

For Plasma:
	I have created a new product called plasma-shell, since the technology has 
changed and all the code is almost new, it makes little sense to use the old 

I propose we add a "frameworks" version for each things we port (like 
powerdevil), so we can keep using the same product/components.

What do you think?

Cheers !

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