kded5 and kde-workspace

Àlex Fiestas afiestas at kde.org
Wed Nov 20 19:47:54 UTC 2013

Hey there

Today I have been porting powerdevil and while doing it found out that kded5 
was not loading any modules and many kde-workspace projects were using 
org.kde.kded instead of the one ended with .kded5

Tomorrow I'd like to push a local commit that changes all org.kde.kded for 
org.kde.kded5 (which we will have to change again but more about that in a 
later email), and will effectively make kde-workspace and plasma-framework 
depend on kded5.

In order to make kded5 load modules, you have to have KDE_SESSION_VERSION set 
to 5, so add that to your "set kde5 environment" script.

So please, adapt your environment asap, I'd like to push this tomorrow so we 
can do testing of the kf5 KDEDModules instead of kded4.

Cheers !

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