RFC Rules for installation of header files

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at kde.org
Thu Nov 14 16:04:57 UTC 2013

On 10.11.2013 18:27, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Hello,
> On Wednesday 06 November 2013 08:52:29 Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
>> Yesterday frameworks meeting spawned a discussion regarding folders
>> in header files.
> I think there's an aspect missing in your proposal. There's the
> convention we want for #include and where we install. That's in the
> end two different things even though related.
> I think, that for all the frameworks, headers should be installed in:
> $PREFIX/include/KF5/FrameworkName/
> FrameworkName would then contain both the regular .h headers and the
> convenience camel case ones. If we go for that, we get something
> consistent install wise and easy to deal with. Then the distinction
> you make below is just about the include path we want when someone
> pulls a framework in.
>> I think the consensus is there should be two different situations:
>> 1. 'k' prefixed header files
>> If the header files of a framework are prefixed with a 'k', then
>> headers should be installed in include and convenience headers 
>> should
>> be installed in include/KDE.
> I think in a case like that we still want the includes installed in
> $PREFIX/include/KF5/FrameworkName/ (convenience or not). But when
> someone pulls the framework as a dependency then both
> $PREFIX/include/KF5/ and $PREFIX/include/KF5/FrameworkName/  are 
> added
> in the include path, thus supporting the #include <kfoo.h> and
> #include <KFoo> styles.

To support #include <kfoo.h> and #include <KFoo> you only need to have
$PREFIX/include/KF5/FrameworkName/ in the include path. Adding
$PREFIX/include/KF5/ would add support for
#include <FrameworkName/kfoo.h> and #include <FrameworkName/KFoo>.

Do we want to support this as well? (I have no strong opinion on this

>> 2. Non-prefixed header files
>> If the header files of a framework are not prefixed, then they 
>> should
>> be installed in include/{lowercaseframework} and convenience headers
>> should be installed in include/KDE/{CamelCaseFramework}.
> I think in a case like that we still want the includes installed in
> $PREFIX/include/KF5/FrameworkName/ (convenience or not). But when
> someone pulls the framework as a dependency then only
> $PREFIX/include/KF5/ is added in the include path, thus supporting 
> the
> #include <FrameworkName/foo.h> and #include <FrameworkName/Foo>
> styles.
>> Some special files should still go in include:
>>     {lowercaseframework}_export.h {lowercaseframework}_version.h
> Make that $PREFIX/include/KF5/ instead of just include and I agree.

Wouldn't it be more self-contained to have those in
$PREFIX/include/KF5/FrameworkName as well?

After all, those includes are mostly internal, so they should not be 
first files you meet if you wander in $PREFIX/include/KF5 IMO.

> I think it departs quite a bit from your initial proposal, making it
> slightly more complicated on the include path side, but it has pros
> like:
>  * making it more homogeneous on the installation side;
>  * allows co-installability of major releases in the future.
> Opinions?

Works for me, just tell me your preference on the two points I
mentionned above.


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