RFC Rules for installation of header files

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at kde.org
Wed Nov 6 13:52:29 UTC 2013

Yesterday frameworks meeting spawned a discussion regarding folders in
header files.

I think the consensus is there should be two different situations:

1. 'k' prefixed header files

If the header files of a framework are prefixed with a 'k', then headers
should be installed in include and convenience headers should be
installed in include/KDE.

2. Non-prefixed header files

If the header files of a framework are not prefixed, then they should be
installed in include/{lowercaseframework} and convenience headers should
be installed in include/KDE/{CamelCaseFramework}.

In this situation, framework users are expected to use the framework
name in their #include directives. For example, code using the Sonnet
ConfigDialog class should use:

    #include <Sonnet/ConfigDialog>

Some special files should still go in include:


This means the CMake target for the framework should always define its
include dirs as include and include/KDE, regardless of whether the
framework include files are grouped in a folder or not.

Do these rules make sense to you?

# Current situation

I wrote a quick script to list files which do not satisfy those rules.
(See attached, run it in the include dir, preferably after running 'make
install DESTDIR=/somewhere' to avoid finding headers from other

## Most likely needed for SC

Those headers were already there in KDE4.

- conversion_check.h
- fixx11h.h
- kgenericfactory.tcc
- netwm_def.h
- netwm.h
- predicateproperties.h
- threadweaver installs headers as {lowercase}/{CamelCase}.h, instead of
- KDE/kdbgstream
- KDE/kndbgstream
- KDE/NETRootInfo
- KDE/NETWinInfo
- KDE/OrgKdeKDirNotifyInterface
- KDE/PtyProcess: this one comes from kdesu, but there is also
  KPtyProcess (from kpty). That is potentially confusing.
- KDE/SshProcess
- KDE/StubProcess
- KDE/SuProcess
- KDE/ThumbCreator
- khtml installs CamelCase headers in KDE/khtml, instead of KDE/KHTML.

## Fixable

- config-kwindowsystem.h: Should not be installed

- kfilewrite.desktop: (!?) Most likely a typo. KDE4 version is in

- KJsEmbed/kjsembed_export.h: Should be installed in include. Or should
  not be installed at all since KJsEmbed does not install any other
  header (!?)

- lineediturldropeventfilter.h: New in 5.0. Class should be prefixed
  with 'K', file should be prefixed with 'k'.

kjs and wtf install some headers as {lowercase}/{CamelCase}.h instead of
{lowercase}/{lowercase}.h. Those headers were not installed before so
this could be fixed without breaking SC.

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