Getting ecm files from the ECM package

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Fri Nov 1 19:41:23 UTC 2013

On Friday 01 November 2013, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> If that option was enabled when installing kf5umbrella, kf5umbrella will
> load that embedded ECM when asked for ECM.
> In this quick hack attached here
> find_package(KF5Umbrella)
> unconditionally loads KDECMakeSettings.cmake.
> The version attached here does a find_package(ECM), except if this step is
> skipped by the using package via set(KDE_SKIP_ECM TRUE).
> If WITH_ECM was not enabled when installing kf5umbrella/, it searches the
> normal system ECM, otherwise it uses the "embedded" one.

Alternatively, each package could request some version of ECM and this version 
would be downloaded individually (e.g. by KDECMakeSettings.cmake) for each 
package, and would not be installed at all (or via a switch use the system 
provided one), but would be only available in the buildtree.
This would have the downside that when chosing the download-option, when 
building all KF5 libs each of them might download their own copy of ECM.


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