KF5 Update Meeting 2013-w20

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Wed May 15 19:07:43 UTC 2013

On Wednesday 15 May 2013, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Hello all,
> So yesterday 4pm (Paris timezone :p) as planned we had the first update

is it planned to have those meetings sometimes also later in the day ?
At 4pm I'm at work, and so can't attend.

> Action items:
>  * [ervin] Send meeting reminders on mondays
>  * [dfaure] Import QCommandLineArgs in qt5kdestaging
>  * [dfaure + ervin] Discuss the upcoming KIO split
>  * [steveire] Look into the SOVERSION issue, and cleanup the CMake files

I had a look at KConfigWidgets. It has

ecm_setup_version(5 0 0 VARIABLE_PREFIX ITEMVIEWS
                  VERSION_HEADER kconfigwidgets_version.h
                  PACKAGE_VERSION_FILE KConfigWidgetsConfigVersion.cmake)

i.e. the macro will setup the variables
(as documented in ECMSetupVersion.cmake) which is most probably not wanted, 
and then uses

set_target_properties(KConfigWidgets PROPERTIES

for setting the version on the library. Since those variables are empty, cmake 

set_target_properties(KConfigWidgets PROPERTIES
                      VERSION SOVERSION

(I finally decided to git and build my qt completely from scratch again, so 
soon I may be able to work again on frameworks)

For the cleanup, my plan would be to get rid of 
* ECMVersion.cmake
* ECMQtFramework.cmake
* ECMQtFrameworkConfig.cmake.in
* ECMWriteVersionHeader.cmake

I'm also not too excited about ECMMarkAsTest.cmake and 
ECMMarkNonGuiExecutable.cmake, since both basically only wrap a call to 
In all the CMakeLists.txt in the test directories there is very similar code 
for generating the test executables, refactoring that into a generically 
useful macro would be nice.

Beside that, I would like if we could do a release of extra-cmake-modules as 
soon as possible, so other projects, KDE and non-KDE can start to make use of 
it and people can start to contribute.

>  * [steveire] Write a "CMake for frameworks" guideline in the wiki
>  * [ervin] Talk to Ben about having our own qt5.git with a kf5 branch
>  * [notmart] Look at cleaning up the CMake files in plasma-framework (if
> time permits)

Last time I looked it didn't look too bad.
As long as kdelibs is only partly split some somewhat ugly things have to stay 
around I think.
Do you have anything special in mind ?


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