Please update extra-cmake-modules, kdelibs (and plasma-frameworks)

David Faure faure+bluesystems at
Fri Mar 1 13:31:11 UTC 2013

On Thursday 28 February 2013 18:40:02 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> IMO there are two significant differences:
> 1) A wrong in-project target name will in general never build for the
> developer.
> A bad imported target name may build for the developer, but may not build
> for a user (because the user has a different version of the package
> installed, or because a find_package() is not checked properly, maybe there
> are more ways how to get to that).
> Yes, I am talking about hopefully rare error cases.

If it's a bad target name it will have to be fixed anyway, I'm not sure there's 
a practical difference here.

> It is a very different situation for somebody just trying to build the code.
> He sees -lsolid and there is no reason why should not think that a
> should have been found but wasn't.

If I see -lfoobar not found, it means either I should have a 
somewhere that wasn't found, or the code is wrong to try and link to 
libfoobar. That's basic logic.

David Faure, faure at,
Sponsored by BlueSystems and KDAB to work on KDE Frameworks

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