C++11 support on Frameworks

Luiz Romário Santana Rios luizromario at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 17:16:01 UTC 2013

Hello list.

I just started contributing to the Frameworks recently (I'm R_Rios on
IRC) and I didn't finda thread about it in the ML archives, so I'll
just ask it myself.

Will the Frameworks allow C++11? How much of it will be allowed? One
example of its usefulness could be the replacement of foreach by
range-based for loops where moc macros aren't allowed (I think tier1
libraries don't allow it anymore, but I might be wrong, so please
correct me if I'm wrong). It works in just the same way and it has the
advantage of being an actual construct of the language, not a macro.

Any comments will be appreciated.

Luiz Romário Santana Rios

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