naturalCompare Qt5 task

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Fri Jul 19 11:17:26 UTC 2013

I was looking at that task in the Qt5 epics list and I didn't understand it

contribute natural-comparison to Qt5 (see KStringHandler). In Qt there is
naturalCompare function but private and not as good as from KStringHandler.
Thiago says: add the feature to QCollator.

Here's the problems I see:
- I don't know what's the goal of the task, so it's hard for me to decide
what to do.
- The one Qt5 has now, it's in QFileSystemModel
- QCollator is also a private class, do we need to have it available from
the public API? I guess the only use of it is in any tier1 module. If so,
why QCollator?
- In the code we have in KStringHandler we can find this comment:
// This is based on the natural sort order code code by Martin Pool
// Martin Pool agreed to license this under LGPL or GPL.

I don't feel very comfortable with moving this code over to the Qt project.

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