Qt5 is required

David Faure faure+bluesystems at kde.org
Sat Jan 19 12:36:37 UTC 2013

Dear KDE Frameworks hackers,

It's time to drop the Qt4 compatibility, in order to use the new things from Qt 5
which we need to continue simplifying dependencies between frameworks.

Please compile Qt5 using the "dev" branch.
Either qtbase + qtsvg + qtx11extras (at a minimum), if you don't have much disk space or cpu time,
or the full qt5.git, to get everything (qtdeclarative as required by plasma, webkit, etc)

The instructions to follow are at http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building_Qt_5_from_Git

Then follow http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Building (I'll clean it up soon to remove the qt4/qt5 split).

Please ensure that http://build.kde.org/job/kdelibs_frameworks_qt5/ stays green :)

Stephen, you mentionned a script to get rid of the ifdefs for Qt4/Qt5, do you have
that at hand, or does it need to be written?

If anyone encounters crashes in QSaveFile, it's because the one in libkdeqt5staging conflicts
with the one that just got merged into Qt5. So I'll remove it. Which is why you need Qt5 dev,
not Qt4 and not Qt5 stable. You have been warned :)

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
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