KDirModelV2, KDirListerV2 and UDSEntryV2 suggestions

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 15 09:40:58 UTC 2013


2013/1/10 Aaron J. Seigo:
>> However, one of the main goals Peter
>> had when rewriting the view engine was to get rid of QModelIndex,
>> SortFilterProxyModels and things like these. And I really have the
>> feeling that using plain ints to index items and not needing things
>> like mapToSource() in every other function really does make things
>> easier.
> with QML, you can get rid of C++ SortFilterProxyModels and do this in QML
> itself. it uses proper models in the background (so it's fast) and it becomes
> insanely easy to get sorting and filtering.
> with QML, QModelIndex will only appear in the actual model itself (KDirModel,
> e.g.; or in the case of Mark's "porpoise" DirModel which adds thumbnailing on
> top of KDirModel) so you only care about this in the one model.

Right, but considering that Dolphin doesn't even use KDirModel any
more, going the QAbstractItemView way would feel like throwing away
most of what happened in Dolphin in the last 2 years.

I guess that there must be another way. Peter did have some
QtQuick-related long-term plans in mind when he rewrote the view
engine for Dolphin 2.0, maybe I should talk to him about that at some

Best regards,

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