kcolorscheme needs ksharedconfig.h

David Faure faure+bluesystems at kde.org
Thu Feb 14 17:23:02 UTC 2013

On Thursday 14 February 2013 15:58:17 Treeve Jelbert wrote:

This shouldn't be necessary, it is normally brought in by
which is itself included by FindKF5.cmake (also part of ECM),
which (in libkdeqt5staging, where you had the error) is itself loaded by 
libkdeqt5staging/CMakeLists.txt:find_package(KF5 5.0 REQUIRED MODULE COMPONENTS 
CMake Compiler InstallDirs)
(due to the "CMake" argument in that call).

Can you trace this on your system (e.g. adding message(STATUS "...") lines to 
find out which cmake files are being loaded), to find out why it doesn't work 
like that on your system?

Make sure your ECM is up-to-date, first, of course (the version number might 
not mean much, it's not increased for every change).

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
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