Separating everything ?

Mirko Boehm mirko at
Fri Feb 8 12:10:20 UTC 2013


On Feb 8, 2013, at 12:46, Sune Vuorela <nospam at> wrote:

> There are several things here intermixed
> 1) is the release tarball layout
> 2) is the way the software is built
> 3) is the repository layout
> all of them is different things with different arguments for and
> against.
> So... which ones of it is it we are talking about?

I am mostly arguing that to achieve 1) and 2), we do not have to have 3), a multi-repository structure. It can all be achieved by email.

Mirko Boehm | mirko at | KDE e.V.
FSFE Fellow, FSFE Team Germany
Qt Certified Specialist

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