Separating everything ?

Stephen Kelly steveire at
Wed Feb 6 22:04:48 UTC 2013

Kevin Ottens wrote:

> On Wednesday 6 February 2013 20:12:49 Treeve Jelbert wrote:
>> Why not create tier{1,2} repos immediately, if they can build
>> standalone?
> We're still moving classes in there. It's not yet ready for splitting.

Additionally, tier1 libraries might not remain tier1 libraries indefinitely. 
For example, there could be some future where it would make sense for 
kplotting to depend on karchive. Or a framework with a design flaw could 
lose the tier1 label (and gain the 'obsolete' label) and be replaced with a 
new library without such a flaw which gets the tier1 label. 

That would mean that we'd have dependencies in tier1.git although we defined 
tier1 as 'no dependencies between the libraries'.

I'd like to see tier1 as more of a label that we assign at every release. 
This is similar to how Qt defines tier1 and tier2 platforms - that is 
platform 'support extent labels' can move in either direction from one 
release to the next.

I support the idea of grouping multiple frameworks into a single repo, and 
I'm glad that that is the direction plasma frameworks is going. I don't know 
if the tiers are the right 'tectonic plates' to base that on though.

I expect it will become more clear how we can group them when we have them 
split more, dependencies wise, within kdelibs.git.



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