
Michael Pyne mpyne at
Thu Dec 26 23:51:16 UTC 2013

On 12/26/2013 12:08 PM, Alex Merry wrote:
> Well, it's not like KImageCache itself is any use without KCoreAddons.
> Like I said before, we can put KSharePixmapCacheMixin in its own header
> file if we think people will actually use it (we don't even have to make
> that decision until someone comes to us and says they do).

If it helps at all, KImageCache was really the core impetus between 
KSharedDataCache in the first place. The non-GUI KSharedDataCache was 
made separate only because the underlying logic was more or less forced 
to be generic anyways.

Of course since then KSDC has indeed been adopted for non-GUI uses so 
it's too late to switch it to be a GUI-only library.

With that in mind I'd say the "just include the damn header" solution is 
the most practical (especially if it can be combined with a compiler 
error when KCoreAddons is mistakenly not included and an APIDOX 
notation), although it would be most technically pure to be able to 
adopt the suggestion about moving to a different tier, but why have an 
entire framework just for one very simple wrapper around a KCoreAddon 
library? I don't think that makes any more sense now than it did when we 
initially devised our header magic to keep KSDC and KImageCache separate.

  - Michael Pyne

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