kde4support: kstandarddirs_unittest fix

Alex Merry kde at randomguy3.me.uk
Sat Dec 21 11:23:01 UTC 2013

On 21/12/13 00:19, David Faure wrote:
> On Friday 20 December 2013 23:07:08 Alex Merry wrote:
>> In my continuing mission to make the frameworks green on Jenkins:
>> This makes the tests work even when not installed, even when kde4support
>> is installed to a separate prefix to the rest of frameworks (as it is on
>> Jenkins -- although this setup is dangerous for *real* users of
>> KStandardDirs).
> Oh wow. I didn't see this mail before I started to make (and push) my own 
> fixes for this. Sorry for the conflicts.
> Your patch is more intrusive than I thought it would be. Why change everything 
> in e.g. testFindResource() or testFindDirs() when they pass just fine on 
> build.kde.org?

Because I was trying to do it "right" (for some value of "right"). You
had previously made a commit that set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS, to make the test
resilient in the face of that variable being set oddly.  The same wasn't
done to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS or KDEDIRS, though.  So, in the process of
making the tests work in the separate-install-dirs environment of
Jenkins, I was faced with the choice of assuming all the variables are
set sensibly (and undoing the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS setting) or assuming as
little as possible about the environment (which was the route I went).

I also wanted to make the test work uninstalled (but "is kd4support
installed" is a different question to "is kdelibs installed" - the
latter doesn't really make sense any more).

>> The one bit that is still failing is testSetXdgDataDirs() and
>> testRestrictedResources(), which both fail for the same reason.
>> Basically, the test checks that
>>  CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/share/applications/"
>> is in the xdgdata-apps resource.  However, KStandardDirs puts
>>  CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/share/applications/kde5/"
>> in the xdgdata-apps resource.
>> Which is right: the test or KStandardDirs?
> installDir("xdgdata-apps") is share/applications/kde5 (so that .desktop files 
> of kde apps get there), but surely we expect share/applications to be in the 
> list of directories returned by xdgdata-apps (so we can find non-kde apps 
> too).
> Not sure yet why this isn't work out (I tried unsetting XDG_DATA_DIRS, given 
> the code in kstandarddirs.cpp, but no go).

KStandardDirs does not add directories that do not exist, UNLESS they
are the directory returned by installPrefix().  kde4support does not
install anything in share/applications, therefore if you install
kde4support in its own prefix, $PREFIX/share/applications does not get
added to the resource dirs regardless of what you might set


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